本项目主要对目前 GitHub 上排名前 100 的 Android 开源库进行简单的介绍, 至于排名完全是根据 GitHub 搜索 Java 语言选择 (Best Match) 得到的结果, 然后过滤了跟 Android 不相关的项目, 所以排名并不具备任何官方效力, 仅供参考学习, 方便初学者快速了解当前一些流行的 Android 开源库.
Less Code——For the Best Android Tools Library
- support more effective methods than android
- high performence
- easy integration
- small size (only 45k~ by proguard)
- open source
Quality Tools for Android
This is an Android sample app + tests that will be used to work on various project to increase the quality of the Android platform.
The idea is that Android programming is still in its infancy compared to the Java world. The Android community needs more robustness in Android apps and it looks like a good idea to build on the Java world experience and use its best tools for Quality Analysis.
We want to provide a full featured industrial development environment that can be used to create more robust projects on Android, by using any of the most interesting and popular technologies.
Here are some slides to present Quality Tools for Android.
Design Pattern in Android
- 能在白纸上画出所有的模式结构和时序图;
- 能用代码实现;如果模式的代码都没有实现过,是用不出来的;即所谓,看得懂,不会用;
- 灵活应用到工作中的项目中;
Why I Insist on Practicing deliberately Everyday
I can feel and see my growth everyday.
Achievement and Rhythm are very important when you insist everyday.
Accumulation is powerful. Big Bang
Only normal and healthy way can last longer.
Only deliberate practice can makes you to an expert.